It was truly special!
UX Camp Amsterdam 2024 was a truly special edition of the camp! We loved spending our Saturday with you. We'd like to thank each and every one of you who attended and joined us for a day of learning, sharing and discussion. It makes all our effort and hard work worthwhile and keeps us motivated to keep improving next year.
UXcampAMS24 was held on June 29th and saw UX professionals, students and enthusiasts from across Europe. The day ended with a fantastic after-party where the fun and conversations continued.
Content Modeling for everyone by Larry Swanson Slides
How to build a community of designers in your company, sharing our success and struggles by Sheila Sheikh
What goes on a roadmap? by Peter Boersma Slides
Tips to redesign a 30-year old software by Santiago Guio
How do we combing innovation & structure in our design system for the next-generation in electrical engineering by Anastasia Subow
What is a knowledge graph and why should I care? by Larry Swanson Slides
How to collect feedback about metrics by Natalie Kanikina
Storytelling with data by Kevin Hardeman
One of the secrets engineers keep by Pimm Hogeling
From Scrum Master to Leader: building strong, collaborative team by Sabrina Couto
Beyond (back) to basics: High quality UX with Information Architecture & Research by Sebastian Wachholz
Conducting user research with framers in rural India: challenges and solutions by Arunima Ved
Unleash your inner brand by Tsvetelina Obretenova
Understanding and overcoming Impostor Syndrome by Karina Yugay Slides
User Experience vs. Service Design roles and responsibilities by Irina Damascan Slides
Healthy work habits for UX-ers by Pieta van der Molen Slides
Seven mistakes on the path to seniority by Julia Zaytseva Slides
A design career journey: Reflections on IC and management roles in corporate career frameworks by Philipp Engel Slides
AI & Natural Intelligence - Exinging times for UX by George Bugianishvili and Sergio Martinez Slides
Beyond screenreaders & accessibility - Changing minds for an inclusive practice by Bettina Kast and Erika Bonifaz Slides
Navigating the challenges and triumphs of a solo UX Designer by Sofia Aquino Gomez Slides
Accessibility in practice by Marli Ritter and Iris Latour Slides
AI for UX, in practice by Lara Oral
Conversational UX Writing by Jorinde Beijerling
Role of UX in the evolving P2P economy & Gen AI by Jan Mwesigwa Slides
Beyond user centricity by Celina Breitenborn
7 ingredients that help us being a happy and impactful design team by Benjamin Lipinski
Negotiating Design Decisions: unlock the secrets of successful communication by Tsvetelina Obretenova
Growing across scales: designing at startup vs. enterprise by Xiaoyu Shen
Design career progress in ‘creative - practical’ business by Duy Le
Democratization and its possible inevitability by Lade Tawak
Reframe your downsides into USP for job hunting by Nymphaea Notschaele
Synthetive, an interactive board game focused on AI in political campaigns by Muskan Jain
Here you can find slides from the session that were shared with us so far. To those of you who contributed to the programme by running a session or presenting, we’d love it if you could also share any material that you used so we can share it here with the community!
#UXCAMPAMS24 will this year be hosted at the University of Applied Science Amsterdam (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) by our friends from the Communication & Multimedia Design
Giveaway Sponsor
This year’s giveaways and prizes for #UXCAMPAMS24 will be donated by