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About UXCamp Ams

UX Camp Amsterdam is an open-for-all, participatory one day BarCamp at which all the content is generated and brought by its participants.

Our aim is to encourage the sharing of knowledge and experiences within the User Experience field and open up the event for a truly mixed audience. The event attracts as broad an audience as the field of UX is in practice: a good mix of designers, researchers, product folks, developers, data scientists and all the disciplines that fall somewhere in-between.

The organizing team consists of UX professionals, who run the AmsterdamUX community with over 5700 members and 190 events organized.


Why sponsor US?

As a non-profit, volunteer-run, community event, we rely on sponsors and partners to make UX Camp Amsterdam happen every year. Our events bring a variety of learners and professionals together that connect and exchange in an open a participatory environment. For sponsor this allows to:

  • Associate product brand with the field of UX design

  • Promote products and services with a highly targeted audience

  • Promote employer brand to the movers and shakers of digital Amsterdam

  • Connect with UX professionals for recruitment opportunities

  • Support and enable the local community and “give back”

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UXCamp Attendees

The attendees of UXCamp Amsterdam come from a wide range of professional disciplines and job professions which are all related to the professional user experience domain.

To get an idea you can find an aggregated breakdown of job titles of all our registered attendees from our 2023 event on the left. Most of our attendees are individual contributors in mid-senior career level positions, with an equal split between agency/consultancy firms and in-house design teams.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Main Sponsor

Limited to 4 slots

Main sponsors gain maximum visibility of their brand before, during, and after the camp to engage with attendees.

  • Mentioning on the website

  • Exposure on social media (dedicated post introducing the company)

  • Stand at the venue

  • 2 min onstage at opening

  • Branded room (on schedule, banners in the rooms)

  • Mention in follow up email to participants

  • 5 tickets

3025 Euro

Event Sponsor

Multiple slots

Event sponsors get a physical presence at the camp to engage with attendees during and after the event.

  • Mentioning on the website

  • Stand at the venue

  • Mentioning in follow up email to participants

  • 3 tickets

1210 Euro

Product Sponsor

Multiple slots

Product sponsors award the community through product donations for best contributions during camp.

  • Mentioning on the website

  • Your products will be given out as prices for best talks, workshops, discussions and/or in raffle/lottery at closing session

Min value of 121 Euro


UX Camp 2025 in Numbers

8th edition

150 participants

25+ sessions

4 simultaneous tracks


Date & Location

June TBC, 2025
9:00 - 18:00

HvA Wibauthuis

Wibautstraat 3b
1091 GH Amsterdam


Previous SpOnsors & Partners


Get in touch