Yes, we know, UXcamp 2016 was merely 5 months ago, but, we enjoyed organising it so much that we could not wait to do it all over again. Here’s what you need to know:
So, after checking diaries, venues and other events we’ve decided to bring this years event forward. UXcamp Amsterdam 2017 will be held on Saturday 22nd April 2017. We hope that you can clear your agendas for what should be another great event.
The kind souls at Amsterdam Congres centrum have agreed to have us back, so the venue will be the same as last year, with two major differences:
- It will not be 40° celsius inside the venue (HURRAH!).
- We'll make sure that we have some more food (Yum Yum)
We can’t promise that we won’t need a stack of VGA adapters/Windows Laptops in order for you guys to present, but progress is progress!
You’ve probably skipped the above sections in feverish excitement in order to find out how to get a ticket to the event. We don’t blame you, it’s gonna be another good one. So, the first lot of tickets will be released on Thursday 16th February 2017.
Last year, the first batch of tickets were snapped up within an hour. We know you can do better. So, get ready to skip your lunch as tickets will, in true AmsterdamUX fashion, be released at 12:00 midday on 16th February. Head to our home page on the 16th February and get your ticket from the Eventbrite link.
Go and set your diary reminders now!
UXcampAMS team LOVE hanging out with each other ;-)