What do UXcampAMS17 and Dutch F1 Racing star, Max Verstappen have in common? Give up? We're both sponsored by the amazing folks at...
See what I did with the title of this blog post?? ;-)
We're thrilled to have Exact join us for our third edition of UXcampAMS. While this will be their first year sponsoring us, Exact are no strangers to us. They were in attendance at last year's UXcampAMS with Anette Hiltunen and Carina Palumbo and giving an excellent talk entitled "Designing Emotional Experiences in a B2B Product". We're excited to hear more from them at this year's event and will be heading over to Exact's HQ in Delft next week to get a behind the scenes look at what they are currently up to and chat about their plans for this year's event.
Carina Palumbo presenting at UXcampAMS16
We can't promise that Exact will be able to bring Max Verstappen's incredible tea making gadget (see below), but we're certain that they'll bring enthusiasm, passion and great UX insight.