I wanted my talk to bridge my two areas of expertise: AI and Design, to experiment if that’s something the UX community is interested in. UXcamp was the ideal place for this as it’s open for new types of talks.
It was very exciting to plan and practice my talk. I decided to cut nearly half of it after a trial run. The other thing that I found very exciting was practising my lightning talk: I wanted to make sure people were enthusiastic to see my talk so that I would end up on the agenda (it worked: I think my talk was voted on most! 😂)
The outcome was a lot of enthusiastic discussions: during the talk and afterwards. I’m still chatting with people from India on this topic. I redid the talk a couple of times at different venues.
If you’re thinking about running a session, just do it. It’s a lot of fun to talk at UXcamp! My main advice would be to practice and listen to feedback.