Sponsor # 4 = Exact

What do UXcampAMS17 and Dutch F1 Racing star, Max Verstappen have in common? Give up? We're both sponsored by the amazing folks at...

See what I did with the title of this blog post?? ;-)

See what I did with the title of this blog post?? ;-)


We're thrilled to have Exact join us for our third edition of UXcampAMS. While this will be their first year sponsoring us, Exact are no strangers to us. They were in attendance at last year's UXcampAMS with Anette Hiltunen and Carina Palumbo and giving an excellent talk entitled "Designing Emotional Experiences in a B2B Product". We're excited to hear more from them at this year's event and will be heading over to Exact's HQ in Delft next week to get a behind the scenes look at what they are currently up to and chat about their plans for this year's event.

Carina Palumbo presenting at UXcampAMS16

Carina Palumbo presenting at UXcampAMS16


We can't promise that Exact will be able to bring Max Verstappen's incredible tea making gadget (see below), but we're certain that they'll bring enthusiasm, passion and great UX insight.


Old Friends Join the Party. Sponsor #3 Announced

UXcampAMS are pleased to announce our third sponsor for this years event. Please give it up for..


As many of you know, Mirabeau also sponsored UXcampAMS16. In addition, they've also hosted AmsterdamUX and Amsterdam UX Cocktail Hours Meetups and sponsored UXcampNL, all within the last 12 months. It's fair to say that Mirabeau are very supportive of the UX community in the Netherlands. You guys rock.

Last year, not only did Mirabeau sponsor the event, but they also contributed to the programme with an excellent presentation on AI & UX. We're hoping that they have some more great content for us all again this year.

We'll be hooking up with the Mirabeau guys in the coming weeks to give you insight into what Mirabeau are currently working on and what they have planned for UXcampAMS17.

Stay tuned!

Mirabeau at UXcampAMS16

Mirabeau at UXcampAMS16



"I said STOP. Collaborate and LISTEN, IceMobile's back for our third EDITION!"

Yep, it's been busy here at UXcampAMS HQ, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We're delighted to announce our good friends IceMobile as our second sponsor for the third edition of UXcampAMS!


This will be IceMobile's second year sponsoring UXcampAMS, so big love to the IceMobile crew for supporting the UX community once more.

They've been good to us, supporting Amsterdam UX meetups, providing you guys with some top class swag at last years event and now they've agreed to partner with us again for this years event.

We hope to catch up with IceMobile before the event in another of our Sponsor Spotlight Interviews and find out more about their plans and ambitions for the year ahead.

We look forward to seeing IceMobile on 22nd April.  Pop along and have a chat with them on April 22nd to find out more about what they are up to.

How Gareth reacted when he heard the news that IceMobile were sponsoring us again in 2017

How Gareth reacted when he heard the news that IceMobile were sponsoring us again in 2017

First Sponsor Announced....(Drum Roll Please)

We're delighted to announce our first sponsor for UXcampAMS17 and they are....


Yes, that's right, PwC have kindly agreed to sponsor this years event. While Tatiana should have been relaxing on holiday, she was in fact securing our first sponsor, and for that, we are all very grateful!

We'll be catching up with the good people from PwC in the not to distant future to discuss UX in an upcoming Sponsor Spotlight, so stay tuned to gain more insight, and be sure to pop along to the PwC sponsor stand on April 22nd.

We still need more....

The UXcampAMS team are busy talking to potential sponsors for the event. Putting on an awesome event does not come cheap and we're grateful to companies like PwC who enable us to provide you with a great event experience. So......if you know of or work for a company who would be interested in sponsoring UXcampAMS, please contact us!


Whoop Whoop - First Batch of Tickets - "SOLD" OUT!

Congratulations UX'ers. Last year, the first batch of 50 tickets "Sold" out in just under an hour. This year, you've surpassed that....with ease. The first 60 tickets for UXcampAMS17 were gone in just 30 mins. 

We have registrations from across Europe including attendees from Berlin, Bratislava, Cologne, Gdynia, Kiev, Prague and Warsaw. We look forward to welcoming you all and are super pleased to see that you're all as enthusiastic as us for this years event.

Don't Panic

We've had a few tweets and DM's from anxious souls who missed out on the early bird tickets. All we can say is...


There are PLENTY more tickets to go around. We've had questions on our ticket release strategy and timings, but trust us, we know what we're doing and there are some pretty good (but very dull) reasons as to why we have gone for a phased ticket release. Just know this. We're here for you and our primary focus is to put on the best possible event!

Next Release

So, if you are on the look out for tickets, set your alarms for THURSDAY 2nd March @ 12:00 Midday (CET) - As this will be when the next batch of tickets will be released.

Good luck!

How you'll be feeling after securing your UXcampAMS17 ticket

How you'll be feeling after securing your UXcampAMS17 ticket


UXcamp Amsterdam 2017 - Dates & Ticket Information

Yes, we know, UXcamp 2016 was merely 5 months ago, but, we enjoyed organising it so much that we could not wait to do it all over again.  Here’s what you need to know:


So, after checking diaries, venues and other events we’ve decided to bring this years event forward.  UXcamp Amsterdam 2017 will be held on Saturday 22nd April 2017. We hope that you can clear your agendas for what should be another great event.


The kind souls at Amsterdam Congres centrum have agreed to have us back, so the venue will be the same as last year, with two major differences:

  1. It will not be 40° celsius inside the venue (HURRAH!).
  2. We'll make sure that we have some more food (Yum Yum)

We can’t promise that we won’t need a stack of VGA adapters/Windows Laptops in order for you guys to present, but progress is progress!


You’ve probably skipped the above sections in feverish excitement in order to find out how to get a ticket to the event.  We don’t blame you, it’s gonna be another good one.  So, the first lot of tickets will be released on Thursday 16th February 2017

Last year, the first batch of tickets were snapped up within an hour.  We know you can do better.  So, get ready to skip your lunch as tickets will, in true AmsterdamUX fashion, be released at 12:00 midday on 16th February. Head to our home page on the 16th February and get your ticket from the Eventbrite link. 

Go and set your diary reminders now!


UXcampAMS team LOVE hanging out with each other ;-)

UXcampAMS team LOVE hanging out with each other ;-)

Welcome to the New Website!


With the dust settling on 2016, it’s time for your little UX elves to spread some new years cheer. We’re delighted to launch our new website as well as furnish you with some details about UXcamp Amsterdam 2016 2017…..(Yep…. I’m still in that part of the year where I am getting the date wrong...)

New Website

We’re pleased to introduce this, our new Website to you.  In truth, the old one was painful to update and, after extensive (okay, a bit of) research, we decided to make the change. We’re still creating content and getting it all together, so come back and visit us often.  If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, please contact us and we’ll try an accommodate your needs.

Sponsors Required! 

Putting on a free event like UXcamp doesn't come cheap. We rely on sponsorship in order to put on a great day.  We're looking for sponsors right now, so if you know of, or work for a company who may be interested in sponsoring us, please drop us a message let us know and we will be happy to discuss options and send out our sponsorship pack.  

You're help on this one is much appreciated!


Ticket Information Coming Soon

Check back here soon as we'll be updating the site with information on ticket release dates and more detail on the event. To keep updated, don't forget to subscribe to out mailing list. 

Notes from the first planning meeting....Carolina was soon relinquished of minute taking duties.

Notes from the first planning meeting....Carolina was soon relinquished of minute taking duties.

(Some of) the UXcamp Team working on plans for this years event...

(Some of) the UXcamp Team working on plans for this years event...

Sponsor Spotlight: Nomensa

For our 2016 event, we’ve been busy speaking with sponsors to give you more insight into the companies who help us to put on great UX events like UXcamp.

About Nomensa

Nomensa create groundbreaking experiences that make a measurable difference to the way people use digital technology live, work and play. They call this ‘Humanising Technology’. A strategic digital design agency founded in 2001, their clients include Liberty Global, Virgin Media, Royal Mail, National Trust, ADP and Atradius.

Nomensa have offices in Bristol, London and Amsterdam where they house 100 of the brightest, most talented minds in the industry who work hard to understand people and the emotional response to design.

The company is no stranger to the Amsterdam UX scene. In April this year, Simon Norris, CEO and founder, gave an incredibly insightful session entitled Cultivating Digital Mindfulness to a packed audience at AmsterdamUX's monthly Meetup. In May 2016, Nomensa also contributed to our monthly round-table session, with Katelijn van Lieshout presenting her thoughts on “The State of UX in NL”.  Nomensa also sponsor UX-events such as UX Strat Amsterdam which took place in June 2016.

We caught up with Katelijn at Nomensa’s Amsterdam office and talked about Nomensa’s first few months here, their approach, challenges and opportunities, and the impending UXcamp. Having joined Nomensa in January 2016 as Country Manager for the Netherlands, Katelijn has a background in advertising where work on campaigns for customers such as Renault, Nestlé and Randstad saw her focus and attention drawn towards Customer Journeys, UX strategy and Omni-Channel experiences.

Nomensa have been working in Amsterdam for a while now, but now you have a base here. Tell me about the past 8 months. How have they been for you?

It’s been interesting! I’ve been working hard on all the things that setting up a new entity entails - researching the market, looking for opportunities in addition to our existing Dutch clients, and ultimately letting people know we are here. A large part of my role has also focused on getting a feel for general perceptions around UX here in the Netherlands and getting involved with the surrounding UX community. In particular, I’ve led a few UX Round-Table sessions which have been a really nice way of interacting with those already working to provide associated services within the region.

Nomensa already has two key clients here in the Netherlands, Liberty Global and Atradius, both with an international presence. One of the reasons the business set up here was to serve these customers from a local office, therefore, but our aim is also very much to expand on our existing footprint and attract new clients too. We’re also recruiting at the moment, so there is a lot happening as we Nomensa continues to grow at a really fast pace.

You mentioned that you’ve been busy researching the state of UX here in the Netherlands, can you tell us a bit more about your findings. And if you’ve noticed any key differences between the Netherlands and the UK?

I’ve been talking to companies and peers about what they think about UX, how mature UX is in relation to their own set up and that of their clients, and what challenges they are still facing. Doing so has given us a more informed sense of what Nomensa can offer in return, and a feel for exactly how our own service offering can bring fresh approaches to the Dutch market. Initial impressions are that there is a real desire for companies in the Netherlands to take the initiative, and be “the grown-ups”, when it comes to effecting successful UX strategy, but my feeling is that we are not there yet.

Although we are developing at a rapid pace, which in my personal experience links to the Dutch mentality as a whole, it seems some businesses are still struggling to pin down UX. As a nation, we’ve always been forward-thinking, progressive and internationally focused, and Nomensa wants to capitalise on this thinking through the introduction of events such as UXcamp.

Despite this, I don’t believe we are as well-developed in UX strategy as the UK is, and it seems that many businesses still don’t really know what UX is all about. Here it has a tendency to still be associated with issues around interaction design, where Nomensa sees the importance of getting involved in a community and in educating each other about UX on an ongoing basis. From our perspective UX is not design, it’s not research and it is not merely a combination of the two. Effective UX focuses on accessibility, information architecture and aligning stakeholders, with CX acting as a separate, supporting concept focusing on the connection the consumer has with a brand in more depth. Nomensa believes that getting involved in UX communities through UX events such as Interact (London) and Collaborate (Bristol), for example, helps get the message across and we’re planning on hosting the Interact conference in Amsterdam soon.

What other challenges do you see, based on your research?

Successful development of UX is dependent on the realisation that improvement is not achievable as a short term solution, or via a short term project. Typically, research can take half as long as an entire project term itself, and is often largely underestimated in comparison with the subsequent design and implementation process that follows. It is less tangible and it costs money, but it is crucial to the success of any UX initiative. For this reason, Nomensa strives to get a really good sense not only of what is required, but why it is required. People want quick wins but, with a focus on sustainable strategy, we also believe perfect UX needs to be influenced by the business involved, as well as the consumer.

This is still a big step for some companies, however. Digital is still evolving, legacy systems often struggle to support optimal UX and therefore need to be rebuilt, and that can take a long time. This is why we say UX is not about now or the end of the year, it’s about building  a corporate strategy designed to accommodate UX developments that are likely to arise weeks, months and years ahead. Successful UX cannot be driven by one department, such as Marketing or IT, but needs to come from the top and flow throughout the company.

What do you feel separates Nomensa from other companies within your field?

Founded in 2001, Nomensa has 15 years of experience working with a broad range of clients within the UX industry. The business has a strong heritage within the field and is experienced in accommodating its services to reflect a relatively new industry which is consistently subjected to ongoing changes and developments. With this in mind, Nomensa believes in a specific way of working and approaches all of its UX projects with the knowledge that everyone working at Nomensa is set up and available to work in the same way. As a company, Nomensa was founded by three people with different, but complementary backgrounds. Our CEO Simon Norris has a strong background in psychology, human experience and technology, while MD Sally Lincoln is highly experienced in design matters and our Director of Accessibility Alastair Campbell’s expertise lies in Information Architecture and Accessibility domains.

This depth of combined expertise is subsequently reflected in everything Nomensa does as an organisation, and all of our teams encompass the attributes of its founders. UX consultants provide strategy work, research and thinking around the customer journey and beyond, whilst our UX designers work on prototyping, high fidelity designs with style guides.  Nomensa’s technical developers then work on front and back end development and CMS with support from the client services team. Testing, workshops and getting alignment with stakeholders also heavily dominates our process and is led by our multidisciplinary teams.

Can you give a bit more insight into your current projects in the Netherlands?

Two years ago, the team started work with Liberty Global on several visionary projects, all of which are still a work in progress. As a business, Nomensa is considered and involved as a true partner within this visionary journey. As such, we set up a “UX Inspiration” meeting every quarter, where all countries operating within the internationally focused organisation come together for two days to present work, share news and discuss industry trends. It’s been a really successful initiative that has subsequently fed into company operations far beyond that which are usually initiated at a conventional project level. Far beyond a simple re-brand or re-design, our focus has in turn reached out much more widely to support business operations as a whole.

And you mentioned that you have been busy engaging and getting involved with the UX community. What are your impressions of the Amsterdam community?

Everybody I have had the pleasure to work alongside so far is suitably ambitious when it comes to improving on UX day in day out. Everyone is aware that this is a young community that is yet to mature, and is subsequently keen to share knowledge, expertise and insights. It really is a “community” and this fits in well with what Nomensa as a leading UX strategist is all about. From a personal perspective, coming from the advertising where things can be often be more guarded, it’s nice to meet a lot of great people who are open to sharing.

And, moving on to UXcamp, you attended the event last year, what made you decide to sponsor this year?

We had no hesitation in getting involved in UXCamp this year, especially now that Nomensa itself now has a permanent base in Amsterdam. As an organisation we are really keen to support the UX community, and truly believe that all UX professionals can make a difference. Meetups like AmsterdamUX and events such as UXcamp are great in encouraging people to come together, learn and share in what is a young industry.

Do you have any plans to present or lead a session this year?

We’re still discussing this, as we have a lot of interesting ideas and topics we are currently working on.

And if there was one topic you’d love to see presented at UXcamp, what would that be?

It would likely be something focusing on how to sell UX internally - how to convince finance and senior management to invest in UX, for example. UX is so important and yet I know that a lot of in-house practitioners still struggle with this. Businesses that view UX as ‘just design’ tend to question why research is needed and want to a new design completed as soon as possible, without understanding all that UX really entails. So presentations, ideas and personal experiences regarding how to sell UX internally, and any details on the return on investment that UX initiatives have delivered, would be really interesting.

Thanks to Katelijn and Nomensa for their time. They are a welcome addition to the Amsterdam UX scene. Their approach to UX, knowledge and experience in the UK market as well as their strong and well respected leadership and talented employees give their Dutch operation a great foundation for success. We’re sure that we can learn a thing or two from them and their UK colleagues and look forward to seeing them on September 10th. Be sure to follow them on twitter to stay up to date on events, blog posts and articles.